Helping Every Child Get Needs Met

'Technology for All' is here to help ALL children have a productive life and fulfilling educational career in the technological world we live. This blog's primary existence is to give parents of special needs children resources that will benefit thier children. The resources provided will help special needs children be more effective learners and enhance their learning capabilities.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

How is South Carolina helping those with special needs?

See how at the South Carolina Assistive Technology Program site:

South Carolina provides services and technology through this federally funded program in order for EVERYONE to be able to live up to their potential. South Carolina believes that all people deserve to live as independent and productive as possible.

Charleston County is Meeting the Needs

Charleston County School District is meeting the need of every child! CCSD sees all children as special and offer special services from their Office of Exceptional Children. Click below to see their mission and how they can help you and/or your special needs child...
Do you feel like the only advocate for your child? Let Charleston County work for you. Click below to see how we can help your child be successful and get what your child needs to live up to his or her potential learning capabilities!

ADHD Help!

Click on the link below for a slideshow on what ADHD is, how to diagnose and what to do when and if your child needs help dealing with ADHD...

Click the link below to find helpful homework tips to help your ADHD child get homework done with less headaches for all...

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Homework Tips for Special Needs Kids

"It's normal for kids to hate doing homework," states Terri Mauro in her article, "Homework Help for Kids With Special Needs Parents". "But for children with special learning, motor or developmental needs, that hatred can blow up into tantrums, meltdowns and endless nag-a-thons".

If your child is struggling with homework, then click the link below to Terri Mauro's article with great tips to help your child not get frustrated with homework, but GET IT DONE!

Mauro, Terri. "Homework Help for Kids with Special Needs." Parenting Special Needs Children.

Web. 12 Mar. 2011.